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Tombstone Duo 500ml | Lawn

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Taking disease control to the next level, Tombstone Duo contains two strong active ingredients for turf, with differing modes of action and has excellent rainfast properties.

It is Registered for the control of 9 turf diseases, including foliar and root pathogens.

500mL of Tombstone Duo can treat up to 2500m2.

Registered for the control of

  • Anthracnose,
  • Brown Patch,
  • Winter Fusarium,
  • Helminthosporium diseases (including White Helmo),
  • Leptosphaerulina,
  • Curvularia,
  • Dollar Spot
  • and ERI (Ectotrophic Root Infecting Fungi) diseases.

Key Features

  • Provides curative, protectant and eradicant activity.
  • Excellent rainfast properties. Works in all weather conditions.
  • Broad-spectrum of activity. Registered for the control of 9 turf diseases, including foliar and root pathogens.
  • Registered for the control of Leptosphaerulina and Curvularia. There are limited registered options for these pathogens.
  • Registered for the control of ERI diseases, both from a curative and preventative basis.
  • Provides contact, translaminar, mesosystemic, and systemic activity, providing inside-out disease protection. Contains two strong active ingredients for turf, with differing modes of action.

Active Constituent

200g/L Tebuconazole + 100g/L Trifloxystrobin

Tombstone Duo is best applied with a backpack or handheld sprayer to ensure even application.

Sprayer calibration is recommended.

Application Rate


500mL of Tombstone Duo will cover 2500 sqm.

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